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污油泥处理公司给大家介绍下油泥污泥处理方法(Sludge treatment company to introduce the sludge treatment method)

发布时间:2023-03-31 10:39:08 来源:互联网 分类:工业机械知识

文章摘要: 污油泥处理公司给大家介绍下油泥污泥处理方法Sludge treatment company to introduce the sludge treatment method污油泥处理公司:油泥分离的工作流程1.高温裂解:污水污泥通过进料器进入裂解反应器,裂解反应器被加热,达到一定温度会产生大量油气。2.缓冲

污油泥处理公司给大家介绍下油泥污泥处理方法 Sludge treatment company to introduce the sludge treatment method 污油泥处理公司:油泥分离的工作流程 1.高温裂解:污水污泥通过进料器进入裂解反应器,裂解反应器被加热,达到一定温度会产生大量油气。 2.缓冲冷却:裂解油气进入缓冲罐进行缓冲沉降后,经过三个冷凝系统(立式冷凝器、卧式冷凝器、冷凝塔)冷却成油。 3.尾气和烟气净化 剩余的不凝气(尾气)经尾气净化系统处理后返回裂解反应器作为燃料燃烧;裂解过程当中产生的烟气经脱硫塔净化达到国家环保标准后即可排放。 4.废渣收集 热解后,收集热解反应器中剩余的废渣土。        Sludge treatment company: sludge separation workflow 1. High temperature pyrolysis: sewage sludge enters the pyrolysis reactor through the feeder, and the pyrolysis reactor is heated. A large amount of oil and gas will be produced when the temperature reaches a certain level. 2. Buffer cooling: after the cracking oil and gas enters the buffer tank for buffer settlement, it is cooled into oil by three condensing systems (vertical condenser, horizontal condenser and condensing tower). 3. Purification of tail gas and flue gas The remaining non-condensable gas (tail gas) is treated by the tail gas purification system and then returned to the pyrolysis reactor as fuel combustion. The flue gas produced in the cracking process can be discharged after being purified by the desulfurization tower to meet the national environmental protection standards. 4. Waste residue collection After pyrolysis, the remaining waste slag soil in the pyrolysis reactor was collected.   污油泥处理公司:油泥污泥处理方法,下面小编就给大家介绍一下 Sludge treatment company: sludge treatment method, the following small series to introduce to you. 1.直接填埋法 直接掩埋收集的油泥,这种方法虽然方便,但会污染周围的土壤,浪费大量的土地资源,此外,这些有害物质被动植物吸收富集,会通过食物链影响人体健康。 2.注入地层处理技术 废弃油井作为注入井,油泥通过泵和井口装置注入井内,由于地层内部环境的影响,这种方法很少使用,同时,这种方法会严重影响当地的土壤和地下水资源。 3.凝固技术 一种处理方法,将含油污泥包裹在某种化学惰性凝固基质中,然后填埋,其中,水泥凝固剂应用广泛,该技术可以减少污泥中有害物质对土壤的污染,设备简单,处理成本低,缺点是凝固基质量大,凝固范围有限,原油总损耗大,潜在污染,此外,如果采用直接填埋的方法,会浪费土地资源。 4.焚烧技术 含油污泥经脱脂、凝固后可制成类煤燃料,并与煤或柴油混合用作燃料,这样可以消除污泥中的有害有机物,但焚烧需要在专门的焚烧炉中进行,而且焚烧所需的油耗比较高,成本高,能耗高,容易结焦,技术要求高,焚烧后可能存在粉尘、二 恶英、SO2等二次污染。 5.热裂解处理技术 热裂解处理技术是在无氧条件下,将油泥加热到烃类的裂解温度,然后通过冷凝回收烃类和水,热裂解处理技术可大大下降污泥含油率,并能达到排放标准,处理能力强,经济效益高,该技术热值高、可循环利用、完全无害、处理量大,可实现含油量≤0.3%的农用土壤指标,满足农田土壤排放标准,实现大部分石油回收目标。   1. Direct landfill method Although it is convenient to bury the collected sludge directly, it will pollute the surrounding soil and waste a large amount of land resources. In addition, these harmful substances are passively absorbed by plants and can affect human health through the food chain. 2. Injection formation treatment technology An abandoned oil well is used as an injection well, and mud is injected into the well through pumps and wellheads. This method is rarely used due to the internal environment of the formation, and it can seriously affect the local soil and groundwater resources. 3. Curing technology A processing method and wrap the oily sludge in a certain chemical inertness curing matrix, then the landfill, among them, the concrete curing agent widely used, the technology can reduce harmful substances in the sludge on soil pollution, simple equipment, low processing cost, disadvantage is solidified base quality is big, solidification range is limited, the total loss of crude oil, potential pollution, moreover, If the direct landfill method is used, it will waste land resources. 4. Incineration technology Oily sludge can be made into class after degreasing, curing coal fuel, and mixed with coal or diesel oil used as fuel, so that we can eliminate harmful organic matter in sludge, but burning need to be done in a dedicated incinerator, and the burning of the fuel consumption is higher, the high cost, high energy consumption, easy to coking, high technical requirements, after burning dust, two possible bad English, SO2 and other secondary pollution. 5. Thermal cracking technology Thermal cracking process technology is under anaerobic conditions, heat the oil sludge to hydrocarbon pyrolysis temperature, and then by condensing recovery of hydrocarbons and water, thermal cracking process technology can significantly reduce the sludge oil content, and can reach the discharge standard, processing ability, high economic benefit, the technology high calorific value, can be recycled, completely harmless, large quantity, It can achieve the agricultural soil index of oil content ≤0.3%, meet the farmland soil emission standards, and achieve most of the oil recovery targets. 污油泥处理公司小编今天就介绍到这里了,感谢大家的收看,如果大家需要污油泥处理设备,可以联系我们厂家。 Sludge treatment company edit is introduced here today. Thank you for watching. If you need sludge treatment equipment, you can contact our manufacturer.

污油泥处理公司给大家介绍下油泥污泥处理方法(Sludge treatment company to introduce the sludge treatment method)


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文章标签: 污油泥处理公司给大家介绍下油泥污泥处理方法(Sludge treatment company to introduce the sludge treatment method)